There is a very popular saying that everyone of us has heard at some point of time in our lives, ” the way to a person’s heart goes through his or her stomach”. Well, it could not have been said any better and if you are looking to heat things up in the bedroom after a meal, then believe me there is no better option than food to set the mood right. Well, not all food, but there are foods which are considered aphrodisiacs. For those of you who do not know, aphrodisiac foods are the foods which are capable of arousing a person. These foods were used in the ancient times and till now they are very good in serving their purpose. So if you too are looking to spice things up in the bedroom tonight, then here are the list of foods that you can try to get your partner into the mood.
Garlic Stir Fry
Preparing stir fry for tonight’s dinner? Well, just put in some garlic into the stir fry and make it a garlic stir fry because with garlic you will be stirring a lot more things than just some vegetables. Garlic is known to make an increase in circulation with the help of an enzyme that is called nitric oxide synthase. This enzyme promotes the circulation of a lot more blood flow down there in your pants. Experts are of the view that garlic may also be a possible remedy for erectile dysfunction. So just with a couple of vegetables and a few slices of garlic you can set your night on fire.
Walnut salad
You don’t need to do anything extra. Just make your regular salad with your favourite ingredients and put in a few walnuts in the salad. Salad is itself considered a staple food for hot weather, adding in a few walnuts will make sure that your nights are hotter too. Walnuts are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, which are really good for the health of the heart and it is a known fact that a good functioning heart promotes great sex life. Moreover, walnuts are anti depressants which will keep you in a good mood for a great night ahead.
Chicken fingers with honey dip
Honey is called as the, “the nectar of Aphrodite” and rightly so. It got this name because it contains boron and boron is known to enhance libido. There has been a study which shows that boron increases the sex drive in a woman and turns it into an overdrive. Not just for women, honey is also known to boost testosterone levels in men. So it works equally well for both the sexes. For eating with chicken fingers you can easily prepare an aphrodisiac dip by combining honey, mayo and mustard. If you are not too much into dips then you can just sprinkle honey over your chicken fingers and enjoy the feast ahead of you.
Fig smoothie
Figs are amazing aphrodisiac fruits. They are stuffed with amino acids and amino acids are responsible for the production of nitric oxides. Nitric oxides help the blood vessels in relaxing and increases the flow of blood into the sex organs and as you must know the more the flow of blood, the more arousal you will feel. Hence, Figs help in clitoral as well as penile erection. It also helps in vaginal lubrication and increases the desire for orgasms in the body. So all that you need to do in order to turn your regular smoothie into a sexual delight drink is adding two to three figs into it. If you want to make your smoothie even more effective then make a combination of milk, banana and figs along with honey for a double aphrodisiac dose.
Spinach Sandwich
Ditch all the other stuffings of your sandwich and go for this nutrient a power house called, spinach. Spinach is stuffed with magnesium and magnesium is known to relax arteries and increase the flow of blood in the the genitals of both men and women and as you already know that more the blood flow, more the stimulation and erection experienced. Adding to this magnesium is also known to boost testosterone levels in men. Even if all this is not enough to convince you about the goodness of this super food,here is one more fact. Magnesium is known to have calming effects on the body and it also provides energy. Both of these are required to have an eventful night. So next time you make a sandwich, make sure to put spinach in it.
You must consider oysters as an effective appetizer, but there is a whole lot of other benefits that these molluscs carry. Oysters are said to aid boost in testosterone levels and also help in production of sperm as it contains zinc in it. Apart from these, oysters also help in release of serotonin, which generates feelings of pleasure in our neural pathways. For a lot of couples eating raw oysters may not seem to be an appealing idea. These couples can dip the oysters in corneal batter and then fry them. They can have this delicacy with spicy cocktail sauce.
Omelette with caviar topping
Caviar helps in boosting the libido. It also is a super energy giving food when taken with eggs because of its zinc and protein content. Apart from this the amino acid larginine helps in boosting the flow of blood to the right places which will set your mood and the mood of your partner too. You can have this as a fulfilling breakfast by topping it on a well made omelette. This will provide you the energy for an early morning session and for the day afterwards.
No meal is complete without a dessert. So whatever meal you prepare for the dinner, sum it up with a chocolate delight. It will not just satisfy the sweet cravings, but will also give you a good dose of theobromine. Theobromine, helps in release of serotonin from the brain, which in turn makes you feel good and happy. While choosing the chocolates always try to pick the darker version of the chocolates which will provide you with an additional supply of antioxidants. That’s an added health benefit for you.
A vanilla flavoured coffee
If the first thing that you look for after waking up is some action in bed, then vanilla is the one thing that you need to put in your routine coffee. The pleasant and calming aroma of vanilla can lower the cortisol levels and also helps in relaxing your nervous system. Both of these things are required to get you and your partner into mood for an early mornings quick session in bed or in the kitchen. Vanilla’s scent is said to provide sexual stimulation to a person. Adding to this, coffee is itself an energy boosting drink and a libido enhancer. These two combined together are the perfect fuel for your early morning sessions.
Rice with pomegranate seeds
This is one way to boost the health quotient of your bowl of rice in a very easy way. This is because pomegranates are stuffed with antioxidants. Antioxidants are responsible for increasing the flow of blood through the arteries to the brain, heart and the genital organs of both male and female. We have already told you what a good blood flow to these organs can do to your sex life. All that you need to do is add one and a half cup of pomegranate seeds to a bowl full of rice. It will provide a sweet and crunchy flavour to your rice along with getting your ready for the events that are to follow.
Chilli peppers
Chilli peppers are known to turn up the heat quotient both in your food and your bedroom. This happens because of the compound capsacin found in chilli peppers. Capsacin produces effects similar to those at the time of sexual arousal. It produces effects such as quickening of pulse, sweating and release of endorphins. Endorphins are the feel good chemicals that are released at the time of orgasm. So, basically it gets you in the mood for some quick action. Adding to this capsacin increases the sensitivity of the nerves which helps in increase the pleasure quotient during sex. So next time you are going to have a slice of pizza or a tack make sure to chop a chilli pepper and toss it in. It will definitely reignite the fire in your life.
So, we have told you about the aphrodisiac foods that will help you in re kindling that fire of intense passion in your and your partners heart along with improving your performance abilities in the bedroom. So, try out as many of these food items as you can and keep spicing things into your bedroom.