Valentine’s day is the ultimate celebration of the fire burning in the heart of two lovers. A day which is the perfect cocktail of equal parts lust and equal parts romance. This one day packs in itself a lot of things for couples starting from sensual dates, romantic gifts, naughty food fights to the epic showdown. All that happens throughout the day ignites that passionate fire in the heart of the two love birds, making the end of the day romp even hotter and charged with emotions. Well, a great mind has said that the way to a person’s heart is through his or her stomach. So here we will tell you about the ways in which you can feed your lover on this Valentine’s day.
Send an erotic invitation for dinner
Send him or her a piece of your innerwear which he or she likes along with an invitation for dinner with a message of “you are invited” and the time and place mentioned alongside, nothing else. Let him or she decode the message and come home running for the meal of a lifetime. The invitation will get him or her in the correct mood so that you both can enjoy the meal afterward.
Recreate memories
Recreate one of your old memorable dinner date memories, whether it be a delicious buffet that you had at a restaurant or something like that. Take him or her back in time through the time machine of your love and re-kindle the pretty memories that you had built. You can merge a few memories together too, that will be even more beautiful experiencing some of the most beautiful moments of one’s life all at once.
Read this article from Psychology Today to know the science behind recreating old memories.
Go for the aphrodisiacs
Go for simple foods topped with bold flavors accompanied by aphrodisiacs to get the two of you into the mood. The biggest aphrodisiac is your own mind so whatever food you serve, give it an erotic story to charge him or her up during the meal. The food will light the fire of passion in the two of you, making the meal a passionate and emotionally charged one.
Ditch the metals
For this one day, forget about all the things. Your usual culinary habits, everything. For this, one day do not eat with your spoons and forks. Feed your partner with your own hand. Remember, there’s nothing more arousing for him or her than the touch of your skin. So ditch all that cutlery that you have and for this one day get your hands dirty. Let him or her feel the aroma of your body, the warmth of your love along with the taste of the food.
Don’t forget the lighting
One of the most important parts of a meal is the surroundings you are having it in. So on this big day of yours don’t go for the natural lighting. Keep the lighting dull and dim. Go for cool, pleasant color lights that don’t hurt the eyes. Good lighting is a major factor in sparking the romance in your partner. It will also set the mood for the events that are to follow. So, be sure to choose colours wisely.
Tease the taste buds
Make small portions or nibbles of food laced with beautiful and tempting starters. This will tease and tempt your partner and will make him or her prepared for the erotic dinner that will be there to follow. Make nibbles of the food he or she likes and test their hunger levels with this. Feed them small portions and then stop. Tease him or her for a while, then again do the same. Make sure that he is restless enough and hungry enough before giving him or her access to the main meal.
If possible, do it together
One of the most romantic and erotic things that you can do on this Valentine’s day is cooking the meal together with your partner. While preparing the meal, tease and titillate each other. Play with food, experiment with it and you will surely end up making memories of a lifetime. In the midst of the cooking process keep tasting the food and your partner too. The end product will be really satisfying for the taste buds and the bodies alike.
Here are some ideas of erotic things to do from Thought Catalog article.
The pre-dining experience
The pre-dining time is the most important part of the dinner because it sets the mood for the rest of the night. So make this experience sensual. The question is, how? One of the things that you can do for heating up the process is using finger bowls filled with warm water and the fragrance of your favorite flowers, scents, and lemon. Play some soft romantic or erotic tunes on low volumes. Make him or her feel the atmosphere.
Go for aphrodisiacs drinks
Go for cocktails that are packed with an aphrodisiac punch. One of the cocktails that you can try and which will serve the purpose is Lover’s Margarita. It is made up of hundred percent blue agave tequila mixed with damiana flower, which is a very popular ancient aphrodisiac and will set you and your partner in the perfect mood for the night to follow.
Some fun with the body
Give him the taste of a good for gut aperitif but make a slight change here. Don’t feed him of a glass or a bowl. Make the erogenous zones of your body the container to feed him. If you want to learn an example, how about a champagne shot and that too directly from your belly button. Sounds interesting enough? Believe me, it will be even more fun while doing it practically.
Make sure to make him taste from all of the erogenous zones of yours for a naughty as well as adventurous experience.
Tasting blind
This may be one of the most adventurous experiences in this list that you can try on this Valentine’s day. Blindfold your partner and then make him or her comfortable by offering him or her a place to seat. With the sense of vision closed, there only helping hand is the sense to taste. Feed him or her with bites of different delicacies with your hand. You can make this experience even more interesting by adding a reward for every time that he or she guesses the food right. The rewards are for you to decide. Wink.
Get food from his or her favorite place
If you do not feel like cooking then there is absolutely no problem. Get in touch with the favorite restaurant or eatery of your partner and order his or her favorite dish from there. Just set the table yourself with a proper formal homely setting and do all the arrangements to make the surroundings romantic. The benefits that you will get here is you will get food and the settings right but will still have a lot of energy saved for the events that are to follow afterward.
The location matters
You do not need to go the traditional way and limit your options to the dining table only. Be creative because the location of the food will matter. Try out in some new place. Have a naughty dining experience in front of the fireplace or a warm, cushy and comfortable dining experience on the home sofa itself or you can ditch all this and get all the action-packed in one place, your bedroom. Get the dinner arranged on the bed itself so that after dinner you can save a few steps.
Flirt while you eat
Well, you can relive the starting days of your romance by holding the gaze of your partner while eating. Touch his or her arm a few times while talking, let then tell you a story and laugh like that’s all that matters. Keep flirting with him or her throughout the dining experience and see the shine in their eyes as this is the best form of compliment that someone can receive from his or her partner.
Have an erotic story over the dinner
Talk dirty, talk wildly to your heart’s content over the meal. There is no better aphrodisiac than a session of erotic and arousing talk over the dinner. By the time the food on the table is over, the fire of passion will be burning strong into the heart of both the partners. You can directly get into the act with your partner as soon as the meal is finished because the ambiance and the mood would already have been set and all that would be left for you to do, will be to jump into action and make the night memorable.
Well, we have provided you with enough information to make your Valentine’s day experience one of the most memorable ones in your lifetime and feed your partner to his or her heart’s content in the most creative and the hottest ways possible. Now, it’s up to you to see which one works for you and which does not.