What’s important to know is that an imbalance of testosterone or estrogen can decrease or increase libido. The foods which act as aphrodisiacs haven’t been proved scientifically. But a lot of research has gone into trying to figure out which are the foods that can decrease or increase the estrogen and testosterone levels. Below given are some foods which could affect that delicate balance between the sex hormones and can result in a low sex drive:
Processed Foods
Processed foods are harmful to one’s libido because processing discards the majority of the important nutrients which are present in the whole foods. Take an example: Whole wheat get processed into white flour and as a result, it loses around three-quarters of zinc. This is a mineral which is necessary to maintain men’s reproduction ability as well as sexuality. Moreover, consuming refined grains can even result in insulin resistance which is the last stop before diabetes.
Sugar is everywhere and it is in all kinds of foods so avoiding putting it in coffee shouldn’t be an assurance that you are safe. This sweet thing can increase insulin levels, which can cause you to store up your belly fat, cause testosterone levels to drop and make you lose muscle mass. Along with all these, it can also make your testosterone levels drop. Know that in human males, belly fat is what increases estrogen levels. This, in turn, can result in low libido as well as erectile dysfunction.
Diet Soda
Drinking soda regularly is a bad idea and even more so if it is diet soda. That’s because diet sodas are full of artificial sweeteners especially aspartame. This directly affects the serotonin levels in your body. Serotonin is a major hormone which helps in making one feel happy. Low serotonin levels are associated with low libido in both women and men.
This will confuse many for sure since mint is known to have a lot of benefits and as a bonus, it also makes one’s breath smell amazing. But the major substance in mint is menthol lowers testosterone levels. So the only one who will be left smelling your minty fresh breath this way will be you.
Microwaved Popcorn
There is a pattern to this list and most of the things in here will be processed foods. Microwaved popcorn is bad because chemicals like that of perfluorooctanoic acid can be found in the lining of the bag. This is an acid which can not just kill your sex drive, but also cause prostate problems in the long run.
Deli Meats
The kind of plastic which is used to wrap up cheese and meat in the supermarkets is generally made from PVC (Polyvinyl chloride). This grabs on to fatty foods and results in hormonal shifts in the body of the humans who consume it. So, it’s advisable that you buy your meats straight from a butcher and then have it wrapped up in the brown paper.
Cannabis is legal in a lot of areas and states and this drug is added to even food apart from being smoked. So whether you live to eat or smoke it, know that studies have shown marijuana to decrease testosterone levels for a whole day or 24 hours.
A drink can get you right in the middle but know that if you engage in drinking heavily every day then your libido is bound to go down. This is because alcohol is a depressant which plays havoc which the ability of a man to not just maintain but also to achieve an erection. For women, it can decrease libido.
Of course, beer falls within alcoholic drinks but beer deserves a special spot in this list. This is because all alcoholic drinks affect the liver’s ability to discard excess estrogen. But phytoestrogens which are a plant-derived estrogen are still present in the kind of hops which are used to make beer. Along with this, severe drinking can result in liver damage because the liver is mainly responsible for metabolizing the hormones. So a less efficient drink can result in the androgens being converted to estrogens and this can result in low sex drives.
This Live Strong article tells you how to discard excess estrogen.
Beets are sweet, nutritious and delicious so it’s no wonder why everyone likes it so much. Like other kinds of root vegetables, they also have certain compounds which are necessary for healthy estrogen levels in the body. This is helpful when the body’s testosterone levels aren’t low. But if there’s an already existing imbalance then it will just get worse by consuming too many beets.
The kind of cheese which is generally consumed is derived from cow’s milk and is loaded up with synthetic hormones. These have the ability to mess up your body’s naturally produced hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. As a result, this can affect your sex drive.
Licorice is made up of glycyrrhizic acid which is what gives the licorice root such a distinctive flavor. But it can also suppress testosterone production. So maybe it tike to lay off the sweet stuff or consume it rationally.
This is another food which will surely raise eyebrows since it is thought that strawberries increase libido. But strawberries which are conventionally grown have the highest levels of estrogen-mimicking pesticide. Along with this, keep an eye out for peaches, cherries, apples, and kale, which aren’t sold with their skin or if you are being told that their skin isn’t edible.
Spiced Foods
According to a study, heavily spiced or scented foods have the ability to change up the way your vagina smells or even tastes. These don’t just include strong spices, but also other things like onions, coffee, and garlic as well. Many researchers have pointed out that not consuming these foods and instead of eating more fruits, whole grains and vegetables will be more beneficial.
Along with the above information, it’s important to remember that the organic foods mentioned above do have a lot of positive effects on the body. So instead of discarding them fully from the diet, it’s recommended that you consume them with care. This will help you stay fit and healthy on all accounts.